Monday, March 5, 2012
With the days getting longer and the weather getting warmer, we're starting to think about spring. (Or at least hoping that springtime is coming, anyway.) And whether spring arrives on time, we've got you covered with...
Wednesday, February 1, 2012
Rain, fog, sleet, snow, ice and wind... bad weather is the enemy of every driver in California. California Brokerage wants you and your employees to be safe. Even if you are satisfied that your vehicle and all of its...
Tuesday, January 3, 2012
Buying a new car is an exciting time - but it can also be stressful. After all, you're trying to get the best deal on price, while also deciding on the make, model and features you need. We can't really help you become...
Saturday, November 19, 2011
As many commercial building owners and contractors across California begin remodeling or construction projects, they realize the value in subbing out some of the work to skilled and technical professionals. But there...
Friday, August 19, 2011
Whether you own a Jet Ski, a small ski boat, fishing boat, or a 26 foot cruiser, knowing that you're covered by the right insurance should give you the peace of mind to relax and enjoy every minute on the water. What We...
California Brokerage Insurance Associates is an independent insurance agency located in San Diego, CA.
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