It’s impossible to predict what problems you might run into while you’re driving. In addition to not being able to control other drivers around you, bad weather could make driving on roads a potentially dangerous endeavor. Car insurance is designed to protect you should you get into an accident while on the road. This includes damage to your vehicle, yourself, and others. While auto insurance is a desirable thing to have, the law requires that you have a certain level of coverage. Here are some of the laws behind having auto insurance in California.
Mandatory Auto Coverage
Every state requires that you have a certain level of auto insurance in order to drive on roads. This level is mandatory regardless of where your car is registered or where you received your driver’s license. The state of California requires that every driver have bodily injury liability and property damage liability. This is the minimum level of insurance. Bodily injury liability protects you if you are at fault for an accident that results in the injury or death of a passenger in another vehicle. Drivers are required to have coverage of at least $15,000 per person and up to $30,000 per accident. Drivers are also required to have property damage liability which protects you should you be at fault for an accident in which another person’s property is damaged. The required coverage for this type of insurance is $5,000.
Proof of Car Insurance
Anyone operating a vehicle in the state of California must carry proof of insurance. This proves that you have the necessary liability coverage. Your proof of insurance is your insurance identification card which states the insured vehicle, the name of the policyholder, the policy number, and the start and end dates of the policy period. Traditionally these were physical cards, but many insurance companies now offer digital options. If you are pulled over by the police, they will ask for your proof of insurance. If you are unable to provide proof of insurance, it could result in your vehicle being impounded and the suspension of your driver’s license or vehicle registration. The first time you’re found guilty of this offense, fines range between $100 and $200. Any subsequent offenses within three years of the first could carry a fine of $200 to $500.
Optional Coverage
While each state requires that you maintain a certain level of insurance, there are additional options that are not mandated by law. While not mandatory, these coverages protect you from a variety of problems that could occur. Automotive medical payments protect you if someone in your vehicle gets injured, regardless of who is at fault for the accident. This is typically used for medical care as a result of an accident. Comprehensive coverage covers you for damage occurred for something other than an accident, such as theft, fire, vandalism, earthquake, explosion, riot, or storm. Collision protection covers you if you are involved in a collision with an object.
Every state has laws mandating that drivers maintain a certain level of auto insurance when operating a vehicle. Carrying this insurance will allow you to avoid any trouble should you get pulled over by the police. Understanding insurance laws will ensure that you are carrying the necessary insurance when driving in California. Contact California Brokerage Associates, when you are ready to invest in an auto insurance broker. (619) 283-9999 or email us customerservice [at] uinsureit [dot] com for auto insurance quotes.